Tooth Extraction

Our team of specialised maxillofacial surgeons can perform simple or complicated tooth extractions with minimum pain in a stress-free environment.

Types of Tooth Extractions

Simple extractions are usually performed when the tooth is visible and loose and only require dental forceps to lift it after it has been rocked back and forth.

On the other hand, surgical extraction involves removing teeth that cannot be easily accessed because they have not fully erupted or have broken under the gums. This requires an incision, and frequently, the tooth to be extracted is split into multiple pieces to be removed easily.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to emerge in the mouth. Complications arising from the emergence of wisdom teeth depend on how they grow into your mouth. For example, wisdom teeth can become impacted below the gum line, causing pain. If left untreated, this can lead to gum diseases such as gingivitis and pericoronitis. In other cases, wisdom teeth may grow at odd angles or cause partial eruptions, which can disrupt the alignment of the other teeth and lead to dental problems. This can also result in infections in the gums, tooth roots, and adjacent teeth. Therefore, having them extracted as soon as they are discovered is essential. Rahman and Rahman Dental Clinic Packages Mall in Lahore offers some of the most straightforward and painless wisdom tooth extraction procedures.

Conditions that require Tooth Extraction

  • Teeth that are rotten and cannot be repaired to prevent infection
  • To create space for orthodontic treatment such as braces/aligners
  • Damaged teeth brought about by injuries such as trips or falls and sports accidents
  • Gum disease affects the tissues and sockets in the gum that hold the teeth in place, making it loose
  • Overcrowded teeth, which are the result of having a smaller jaw
  • Impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth causing pain or discomfort


What happens if the wisdom tooth is not extracted?

Gum inflammation
The area around the impacted wisdom tooth becomes inflamed.

Tooth decay
The affected tooth is more prone to decay.
Swollen face: Recurrent toothaches from partial eruptions can cause swelling and distortion in the face

Sore lymph nodes
The lymph nodes below the jaw can become swollen and sore.

Difficulty functioning
The person might struggle to do daily tasks like brushing teeth, eating, and drinking.

Are tooth extraction treatments painful?

Our experienced dentists will ensure you have a painless tooth extraction experience by administering local or general anaesthesia based on case to case.
