Monday – Saturday 12:00 PM – 09:00 PM

Ground Floor, Entrance 5-6, Packages Mall, Lahore

For Dental Emergency Call: +92 322 2231118

Monday – Saturday 12:00 PM – 09:00 PM

For Dental Emergency Call: +92 322 2231118

Ground Floor, Entrance 5-6, Packages Mall, Lahore

Teeth polishing

How often should you get your Teeth Polished?

Tooth polishing is a simple painless dental procedure that not only polishes the teeth but also removes dental stains, plaque, and microorganisms formed on the outer surface of the teeth. It removes tartar build-ups, coffee/tea, and smoking stains, leaving your teeth feeling fresh and clean. It also gives the tooth enamel a smooth, glossy look, overall improving the aesthetics of the teeth.

The interval between the teeth polishing procedure appointments varies from person to person and depends on several factors.

Patients should normally get it done after every 6 to 8 months but in patients who accumulate buildup faster, have periodontal issues, patients who are coffee or tea lovers, have more colored food and drinks, and are smokers, we may recommend them to get polishing done after every 3-4 months interval.

Teeth Polishing Procedures

The teeth polishing procedure can take about 10-15 mins. There are different techniques for polishing teeth, a few of which are:

1. Mechanical polishing – It is done using a small brush/rubber cap with a prophylaxis paste which is applied on the areas of the tooth surface which require polishing – It offers numerous benefits, providing products with an improved surface finish, reduced product adhesion, and better surface cleanability,
2. Air polishing – a jet of pressurized water and salts, which helps to easily remove hard stains as well
3. Polishing strips – mostly used to remove stains between the teeth

Most Dentists don’t generally recommend trying to polish your own teeth with an over-the-counter tooth polishing home kit because they contain abrasives that can erode and damage the outer surfaces of teeth.

Teeth Polishing is a pretty simple procedure that is generally considered safe for all and there are no potential risks associated with it. Every patient should get it done once or twice a year in order to get a whiter, stain-free, and glistening smile.

Common Foods and Drinks that Stain Your Teeth

Food and drinks with darker pigments, tannins, or high acidic content can lead to tooth staining or discoloration over time.

Chemical compounds found in certain foods and drinks with strong colors can stain our teeth. Some foods and drinks containing a substance called tannin can also cause staining as they stick more easily to the tooth surface. Acidic foods and drinks cause stains because acid erodes and softens the enamel, creating rough patches that stain easily.

The importance of maintaining good oral and dental hygiene can help prevent teeth staining. Establishing good oral hygiene and dietary habits has been proven to be essential to achieving and maintaining a healthy and bright smile, improving the overall physical and emotional well-being of a person.

Foods that mostly stain teeth include;

•Berries and dark-colored fruits
•Tomato-based sauces and dishes
•Dark-colored vegetables
•Soy sauce
•Balsamic vinegar
•Popsicles and candies

Drinks that mostly stain teeth include

•Coffee and tea
•Red wine
•Cola and other carbonated beverages
•Fruit juices

Tips for Preventing Stained Teeth

There are a number of ways to prevent teeth staining:

• Maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing regularly
⁃ Brushing your teeth soon after eating is the best way to prevent discoloration from foods and drinks
-Flossing: By removing plaque between the teeth, flossing helps eliminate places for potential staining.
• Rinse your mouth with water after eating or drinking these stain-causing foods and drinks, giving them less time to do their damage
• Drink Water or even milk – it will help remove some of the colorings before it sets in
• Drinking through a straw
• Eat green vegetables and fresh fruits: While eating a meal with staining potentials, like curry, mix in fresh fruits and vegetables including celery, broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower, carrots, and apples. They’ll help prevent staining while you eat.
• Eat dairy products that help neutralize the acids causing stains e.g yogurt, cheese, a glass of milk
• Chew Sugar-Free Gums
• Try using a whitening toothpaste.
• Change your diet: You can still eat and drink the staining items but do so less frequently. That will change the amount of acid, tannins, and pigments in contact with your teeth.

Getting your teeth cleaned regularly by the dentist will help keep your smile white, and the polishing smoothens your tooth surfaces which makes it less likely for staining to occur.

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